Homage to Tarman
A luxurious, customized pen that once belonged to the former king, Tarman. It was mounted on a specially designed display stand, but Schniel has been using it as his dedicated signing pen since taking the throne. "Tools are meant to be used for their purpose, not worshipped. Even a nation’s king must abide by this rule."
Base Level
After an ally is attacked, when the damage suffered is equivalent to 25% or more of max Health, grants a barrier to the target for 2 turns. Barrier strength is equivalent to 10% of the caster's max Health. Can only be activated once per turn.


Max Level
After an ally is attacked, when the damage suffered is equivalent to 25% or more of max Health, grants a barrier to the target for 2 turns. Barrier strength is equivalent to 20% of the caster's max Health. Can only be activated once per turn.