Stand Back!

Attacks the enemy by firing a pistol and has a 50% chance to target them for 2 turns. When the caster is granted Hawk's Eye, after attacking, increases Combat Readiness of the foremost ally by 20%.
Skill Enhancements
Devoted Support

When the foremost ally is attacked by a Single Attack, decreases damage suffered by 30%. When more than one damage reduction effect is granted, only the strongest effect is applied. When the foremost ally's Health is 50% or less after being attacked, dispels all debuffs from the foremost ally and the caster, and grants Hawk's Eye to the caster for 2 turns. Dispelling debuffs and Hawk's Eye effects can only be activated once every 3 turns.
Skill Enhancements
All Out!

Attacks the enemy with focused fire, dispelling all buffs and decreasing Combat Readiness by 50%, before granting immunity to the caster and the foremost ally for 2 turns.
Ignores Effect Resistance. (-20 souls)