Scorching Flare

Attacks the enemy with flames, burning for 1 turn. When used on the caster's turn, activates lncinerate instead of Scorching Flare. Incinerate: Attacks the enemy with an explosion of flames and burns for 1 turn, before detonating burn effects inflicted on the target at the end of the turn. This skill cannot trigger a Dual Attack.
Skill Enhancements
Flame Keeper

Increases Attack and Defense by 30%. When attacking, cannot trigger a critical hit. Increases burn damage suffered by enemies by 30%. This skill effect does not stack with other passive skills of the same name.
Skill Enhancements
Symphony of Radiance

With light, dispels two buffs from all enemies and makes them unable to be buffed for 2 turns, before Increasing Combat Readiness of the caster by 50%.
Skill cooldown is decreased by 2 turns. (-10 souls)