
Attacks the enemy by whipping a ribbon, and grants a barrier to the caster for 1 turn. Barrier strength increases proportional to the caster's Attack.
Greatly increases damage dealt and does not trigger a Dual Attack. When the caster is granted cascade, does not cost any Soul to activate Soulburn. (-20 souls)
Skill Enhancements
Delusional Runway

Buffs granted to the caster are applied as undispellable. When attacked, damage suffered in one attack does not exceed 51% of max Health. At the start of the turn, has a 20% chance for each buff granted to the caster to grant cascade. Cascade can only be granted once every 2 turns.
Skill Enhancements
Heart Over Grace

Throws chocolates filled with heartfelt sentiments, granting increased Attack and increased Speed to all allies for 3 turns.