Takes the lead to attack the enemy, and triggers a Dual Attack from a random ally. Increases Critical Hit Chance by 50% when attacking and damage dealt increases proportional to the caster's max Health.
Grants an extra turn. (-20 souls)
Lilias can be summoned through the Covenant Summon.
You can get a limited time drop rate up banner for Lilias by completing the side story: Written in Blood
Takes the lead to attack the enemy, and triggers a Dual Attack from a random ally. Increases Critical Hit Chance by 50% when attacking and damage dealt increases proportional to the caster's max Health.
Grants an extra turn. (-20 souls)
After an enemy uses a non-attack skill, dispels one debuff from the caster, and activates Suppression against the enemy caster. Suppression can only be activated once every 2 turns. Suppression: Provokes the target for 1 turn, and grants a barrier to the caster for 2 turns. Barrier strength increases proportional to the caster's max Health.
Commands the Perland Army to attack by firing on all enemies, decreasing Combat Readiness by 25%. Increases Critical Hit Chance by 50% when attacking, inflicting damage according to the Attack of the Hero with the highest Attack.
This data is pulled from the Fribbels Hero Library. It's an aggregate of people who use Fribbels' gear optimizer to optimize their characters.
Updated on March 24th, 2025 at 02:13:02.
Used by 46.37% of players on Fribbels
Used by 17.67% of players on Fribbels
Used by 10.13% of players on Fribbels
Used by 4.47% of players on Fribbels
Used by 3.67% of players on Fribbels
Used by 2.77% of players on Fribbels
This data is programatically generated from the official RTA pages. It is not 100% accurate, but it is a good indicator of stat goals for each rank.
If you notice anything that seems horribly wrong, please join the discord and let me know. I have my own algorithm deciding the final numbers and I want to get it as accurate as possible.
Updated on March 25th, 2025 at 03:04:06.
These are the most picked heroes with the highest win rate with Lilias.
These are the most picked heroes with the highest win rate against Lilias.
Min Roll: 7%
Max Roll: 14%
Recovers Health of the caster when using Follow Me! Charge!. Amount recovered increases proportional to the caster's max Health.
When Suppression is activated by That's Far Enough!, increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 20%.
Increases damage dealt by Ready, Load, Fire! by 20%.
Commands the Perland Army to fire on all enemies, decreasing Combat Readiness by 25%. Increases Critical Hit Chance by 50% when attacking and inflicting damage according to the Attack of the Hero with the highest Attack. Increases the caster's Combat Readiness by 50%.
Dispels all debuffs from all allies and commands the Perland Army to fire on all enemies, decreasing Combat Readiness by 25%. Increases Critical Hit Chance by 50% when attacking, inflicting damage according to the Attack of the Hero with the highest Attack. Increases the caster's Combat Readiness by 50%.