Base Stats

  • Attack Attack: 1057
  • Health Health: 5542
  • Defense Defense: 532
  • Speed Speed: 118

How to Summon Blooming Lidica

Blooming Lidica is a limited time hero that can only be summoned during certain events.

Blooming Lidica's Skills

Twirling Thorns

Twirling Thorns
+ 1 souls

Attacks the enemy with a sword, with a 30% chance to stun for 1 turn. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster's max Health.

Increases effect chance to 100% (-10 souls)

Skill Enhancements

+5% damage dealt
+5% damage dealt
+10% effect chance
+10% damage dealt
+10% damage dealt

Seductive Scent

Seductive Scent
3 Turns
+ 1 souls
Cannot Buff

Increases Speed proportional to the number of debuffs inflicted on all enemies, up to a maximum of 70%. After an ally except for the caster attacks, when the target has a debuff, activates Thorned Vine.

Thorned Vine can only be activated once every 3 turns.

Thorned Vine Attacks all enemies, decreasing buff durations by 1 turn and making them unable to be buffed for 2 turns. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster's max Health

Skill Enhancements

+5% damage dealt
+5% damage dealt
+5% damage dealt
+5% damage dealt
+10% damage dealt

Fruit of Ecstasy

Fruit of Ecstasy
5 Turns
+ 3 souls
Penetrate Skill Nullifier

Attacks the enemy with a flower, and grants skill nullifier once to all allies. When the caster's Speed is greated than the target's Speed, penetrates the target's Defense, with the penetration rate increasing proportional to the difference, up to a maximum of 100%. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster's max Health. This attack cannot trigger a critical hit.

Skill Enhancements

+5% damage dealt
+5% damage dealt
-1 turn cooldown
+10% damage dealt
+10% damage dealt

Blooming Lidica's Fribbels Data

This data is pulled from the Fribbels Hero Library. It's an aggregate of people who use Fribbels' gear optimizer to optimize their characters.

Updated on July 27th, 2024 at 00:33:34.

  • Average Stats:

  • attackAttack: 2026
  • crit_chanceCrit Chance: 25%
  • crit_damageCrit Damage: 159%
  • defenseDefense: 1125
  • effectivenessEffectiveness: 102%
  • effect_resistanceEffect Resistance: 25%
  • healthHealth: 21545
  • speedSpeed: 257
  • Set 1 (46.7% Use Rate)

  • Health gear set Health
  • Speed gear set Speed
  • Set 2 (34.6% Use Rate)

  • Hit gear set Hit
  • Speed gear set Speed
  • Set 3 (10.63% Use Rate)

  • Speed gear set Speed

Blooming Lidica's Top Fribbels Builds

Build 1

  • Stats:

  • attackAttack: 3184
  • defenseDefense: 1268
  • healthHealth: 10708
  • crit_chanceCrit Chance: 69%
  • crit_damageCrit Damage: 311%
  • effectivenessEffectiveness: 57%
  • effect_resistanceEffect Resistance: 63%
  • speedSpeed: 198
  • Gear Sets

  • Destruction gear set Destruction

Build 2

  • Stats:

  • attackAttack: 2283
  • defenseDefense: 1468
  • healthHealth: 22157
  • crit_chanceCrit Chance: 26%
  • crit_damageCrit Damage: 150%
  • effectivenessEffectiveness: 48%
  • effect_resistanceEffect Resistance: 73%
  • speedSpeed: 239
  • Gear Sets

  • Health gear set Health
  • Speed gear set Speed

Build 3

  • Stats:

  • attackAttack: 2106
  • defenseDefense: 1275
  • healthHealth: 13074
  • crit_chanceCrit Chance: 33%
  • crit_damageCrit Damage: 331%
  • effectivenessEffectiveness: 89%
  • effect_resistanceEffect Resistance: 91%
  • speedSpeed: 209
  • Gear Sets

  • Destruction gear set Destruction
View All Fribbels Builds

Blooming Lidica's Recommended Artifacts

Blooming Lidica's Awakenings

1 stars
  • Attack Attack: +20
  • Health Health: +60
  • Effectiveness Effectiveness: +6%
2 stars 2 stars
  • Speed Speed: +2
  • Attack Attack: +20
  • Health Health: +60
4 stars 4 stars 4 stars 4 stars
  • Attack Attack: +30
  • Health Health: +80
  • Effectiveness Effectiveness: +12%
5 stars 5 stars 5 stars 5 stars 5 stars
  • Attack Attack: +30
  • Health Health: +80
  • Effectiveness Effectiveness: +12%
6 stars 6 stars 6 stars 6 stars 6 stars 6 stars
  • Speed Speed: +4
  • Attack Attack: +30
  • Health Health: +80

Blooming Lidica's Memory Imprint

Imprint Release

Position all
  • SSS Attack +10.8%
  • SS Attack +9%
  • S Attack +7.2%
  • A Attack +5.4%
  • B Attack +3.6%

Imprint Concentration

Imprint Concentration
  • SSS Health +18%
  • SS Health +15%
  • S Health +12%
  • A Health +9%
  • B Health +6%