Watch Out

Attacks the enemy with a fan, with a 75% chance to target the enemy for 1 turn.
Skill Enhancements
I'm with My Friends

Redirects 30% of damage suffered by the caster to the foremost ally. When more than one damage sharing effect is granted, only the strongest effect is applied. The caster gains 1 Focus when an ally is attacked. When an ally is attacked and the caster's stacked Focus is 5, loses all Focus and activates You're Not Cute. You're Not Cute: Attacks all enemies with a fan, with a 50% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns.
Skill Enhancements
Haven't I Warned You?

Attacks all enemies with a spray of water, with a 100% chance each to make them unable to be buffed and unhealable for 2 turns. A critical hit will increase damage dealt.
Ignores Effect Resistance. (-20 souls)