Flame Friction

Attacks an enemy with an explosion of flames, with a 75% chance to burn for 1 turn. After attacking, when an enemy is burned, activates Flame Release as an extra attack. Flame Release: Attacks all enemies with fire energy, with a 60% chance to burn for 1 turn, before detonating burn effects inflicted on the target at the end of the turn.
Effect chance of Flame Friction increases to 100%, and ignores Effect Resistance. (-10 souls)
Skill Enhancements
Flame of Savara

At the start of the first battle, increases Attack proportional to Effectiveness. The rate of the increase Attack effect does not change after it is activated. At the end of an ally except for the caster's turn, increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 15%.
Skill Enhancements
Meteor Fall

Attacks all enemies with a giant meteor, inflicting burn for 2 turns and stunning for 1 turn. Decreases Combat Readiness of the enemy with the highest Combat Readiness by 30%.