Summons a mystical bow to attack the enemy, before increasing the caster's Combat Readiness by 15%. Triggers a Dual Attack from a random ally when Frost Storm is unavailable due to cooldown count.
Cerise is a limited time hero that can only be summoned during certain events.
Summons a mystical bow to attack the enemy, before increasing the caster's Combat Readiness by 15%. Triggers a Dual Attack from a random ally when Frost Storm is unavailable due to cooldown count.
Explodes a magical sphere, stunning for 1 turn and making them unable to be buffed for 2 turns. Increases the caster's Combat Readiness by 50%.
Ignores Effect Resistance. (-20 souls)
Attacks all enemies with a raging frost storm, decreasing buff durations by 1 turn, before a 100% chance each to decrease Speed and restrict for 2 turns. Attacks using an advantageous element.
This data is pulled from the Fribbels Hero Library. It's an aggregate of people who use Fribbels' gear optimizer to optimize their characters.
Updated on March 24th, 2025 at 01:27:39.
Used by 42.4% of players on Fribbels
Used by 27.37% of players on Fribbels
Used by 9.83% of players on Fribbels
Used by 2.77% of players on Fribbels
Used by 2.73% of players on Fribbels
Used by 1.7% of players on Fribbels
This data is programatically generated from the official RTA pages. It is not 100% accurate, but it is a good indicator of stat goals for each rank.
If you notice anything that seems horribly wrong, please join the discord and let me know. I have my own algorithm deciding the final numbers and I want to get it as accurate as possible.
Updated on March 25th, 2025 at 03:01:39.
These are the most picked heroes with the highest win rate with Cerise.
These are the most picked heroes with the highest win rate against Cerise.
Attacks all enemies with a raging frost storm, decreasing buff durations by 1 turn, before a 75% chance each to decrease Speed and restrict for 2 turns. Attacks using an advantageous element.
Attacks all enemies with a raging frost storm, decreasing buff durations by 1 turn, before a 75% chance each to decrease Speed and restrict for 2 turns. Grants the caster invincibility for 1 turn. Attacks using an advantageous element.