Base Stats

  • Attack Attack: 1208
  • Health Health: 6488
  • Defense Defense: 616
  • Speed Speed: 102

How to Summon Immortal King Wukong

Immortal King Wukong can be summoned through the Covenant Summon.

Immortal King Wukong's Skills


+ 1 souls

Attacks the enemy with Ruyi Bang, and grants a barrier to the caster for 1 turn. Barrier strength increases proportional to the caster's Attack. When used on the caster's turn, attacks all enemies. The changed attack does not trigger a Dual Attack.

Increases damage dealt (-10 souls)

Skill Enhancements

The Immortal One

The Immortal One

Increases Critical Hit Resistance and Penetration Resistance by 35%. When attacked, if the caster suffers a non-critical hit, increases Attack and Speed by 20%. Can stack up to 3 times.

Skill Enhancements

Heavenly Fighter's Strike

Heavenly Fighter's Strike
4 Turns
+ 2 souls

Increases Attack of the caster for 2 turns, before attacking the enemy and stunning for 1 turn. When the caster's Attack is greater than the target's Attack, damage dealt increases proportional to the difference, up to a maximum of 70%. Unaffected by elemental disadvantage.

Skill Enhancements

Immortal King Wukong's Awakenings

1 stars
  • Attack Attack: +20
  • Health Health: +60
  • Health Health: +3
2 stars 2 stars
  • Attack Attack: +20
  • Health Health: +60
  • Attack Attack: +3
3 stars 3 stars 3 stars
  • Attack Attack: +20
  • Health Health: +60

Skill Improvement


Increases Attack of the caster for 2 turns, before attacking the enemy and stunning for 1 turn. When the caster's Attack is greater than the target's Attack, damage dealt increases proportional to the difference, up to a maximum of 70%.

Ability Upgraded


Increases Attack of the caster for 2 turns, before attacking the enemy and stunning for 1 turn. When the caster's Attack is greater than the target's Attack, damage dealt increases proportional to the difference, up to a maximum of 70%. Unaffected by elemental disadvantage.

4 stars 4 stars 4 stars 4 stars
  • Attack Attack: +30
  • Health Health: +80
  • Defense Defense: +6
5 stars 5 stars 5 stars 5 stars 5 stars
  • Attack Attack: +30
  • Health Health: +80
  • Health Health: +6
6 stars 6 stars 6 stars 6 stars 6 stars 6 stars
  • Attack Attack: +30
  • Health Health: +60
  • Attack Attack: +6

Immortal King Wukong's Memory Imprint

Imprint Release

Position tl
  • SSS Attack +12.90%
  • SS Attack +10.80%
  • S Attack +8.60%
  • A Attack +6.50%
  • B Attack +4.30%

Imprint Concentration

Imprint Concentration
  • SSS Attack +18.0%
  • SS Attack +15.0%
  • S Attack +12.0%
  • A Attack +9.0%
  • B Attack +6.0%