Base Stats

  • Attack Attack: 1039
  • Health Health: 3925
  • Defense Defense: 606
  • Speed Speed: 106

How to Summon Carrot

Carrot can be summoned through the Covenant Summon.

Carrot's Skills


+ 1 souls
Detonate Decrease Speed

Attacks with a staff, with a 35% chance to decrease Speed for 2 turns, before detonating burn effects inflicted on the enemy at the end of the turn.

Flame Barrier

Flame Barrier
Barrier Burn

After being attacked, grants the caster a barrier for 1 turn and burns the attacker for 1 turn. Barrier effect can only be activated once per turn,and barrier strength increases proportional to the caster's Attack.

Blaze Explosion

Blaze Explosion
4 Turns
+ 3 souls
Dispel Burn

Attacks all enemies with powerful fire, dispelling one buff before a 60% chance to burn for 2 turns.

Burn Effect: Grants an extra turn. (-20 Souls)

Carrot's Fribbels Data

This data is pulled from the Fribbels Hero Library. It's an aggregate of people who use Fribbels' gear optimizer to optimize their characters.

Updated on July 25th, 2024 at 00:02:50.

  • Average Stats:

  • attackAttack: 2585
  • crit_chanceCrit Chance: 77%
  • crit_damageCrit Damage: 238%
  • defenseDefense: 1313
  • effectivenessEffectiveness: 29%
  • effect_resistanceEffect Resistance: 43%
  • healthHealth: 11117
  • speedSpeed: 185
  • Set 1 (35.71% Use Rate)

  • Penetration gear set Penetration
  • Set 2 (10.71% Use Rate)

  • Critical gear set Critical
  • Set 3 (10.71% Use Rate)

  • Speed gear set Speed

Carrot's Top Fribbels Builds

Build 1

  • Stats:

  • attackAttack: 2575
  • defenseDefense: 1652
  • healthHealth: 10434
  • crit_chanceCrit Chance: 80%
  • crit_damageCrit Damage: 335%
  • effectivenessEffectiveness: 0%
  • effect_resistanceEffect Resistance: 17%
  • speedSpeed: 204
  • Gear Sets

  • Destruction gear set Destruction

Build 2

  • Stats:

  • attackAttack: 2147
  • defenseDefense: 1144
  • healthHealth: 10012
  • crit_chanceCrit Chance: 101%
  • crit_damageCrit Damage: 284%
  • effectivenessEffectiveness: 0%
  • effect_resistanceEffect Resistance: 95%
  • speedSpeed: 190
  • Gear Sets

  • Critical gear set Critical

Build 3

  • Stats:

  • attackAttack: 2614
  • defenseDefense: 1043
  • healthHealth: 11211
  • crit_chanceCrit Chance: 104%
  • crit_damageCrit Damage: 287%
  • effectivenessEffectiveness: 21%
  • effect_resistanceEffect Resistance: 18%
  • speedSpeed: 182
  • Gear Sets

  • Critical gear set Critical
View All Fribbels Builds

Carrot's Recommended Artifacts

Carrot's RTA Data

This data is programatically generated from the official RTA pages. It is not 100% accurate, but it is a good indicator of stat goals for each rank.

If you notice anything that seems horribly wrong, please join the discord and let me know. I have my own algorithm deciding the final numbers and I want to get it as accurate as possible.

master (Win Rate: 0%)

Warning: The pick rate for this character is very low. This data may be inaccurate due to small sample size.

  • Stat Priority:

  • AttackAttack: 0
  • DefenseDefense: 0
  • HealthHealth: 0
  • SpeedSpeed: 0
  • Crit ChanceCrit Chance: 0%
  • Crit DamageCrit Damage: 0%
  • EffectivenessEffectiveness: 0%
  • Effect ResistanceEffect Resistance: 0%
  • Gear Sets

  • No Data Available


These are the most picked heroes with the highest win rate with Carrot.


These are the most picked heroes with the highest win rate against Carrot.

Carrot's Awakenings

1 stars
  • Attack Attack: +20
  • Health Health: +60
  • Attack Attack: +3%
2 stars 2 stars
  • Attack Attack: +20
  • Health Health: +60
  • Critical Hit Rate Critical Hit Rate: +4%
3 stars 3 stars 3 stars

Skill Improvement

Attacks all enemies with powerful fire, dispelling one buff before a 60% chance to burn for 1 turns.

Ability Upgraded

Attacks all enemies with powerful fire, dispelling one buff before a 60% chance to burn for 2 turns.

4 stars 4 stars 4 stars 4 stars
  • Speed Speed: +4
  • Attack Attack: +30
  • Health Health: +80
5 stars 5 stars 5 stars 5 stars 5 stars
  • Attack Attack: +30
  • Health Health: +80
  • Attack Attack: +6%
6 stars 6 stars 6 stars 6 stars 6 stars 6 stars
  • Attack Attack: +30
  • Health Health: +80
  • Critical Hit Rate Critical Hit Rate: +8%

Carrot's Memory Imprint

Imprint Release

Position all
  • SSS Attack +72
  • SS Attack +60
  • S Attack +48
  • A Attack +36
  • B Attack +24

Imprint Concentration

Imprint Concentration
  • SSS Attack +108
  • SS Attack +90
  • S Attack +72
  • A Attack +54
  • B Attack +36