Knowledge Seed
A capsule created in preparation for the final days of Politis's home planet, Paradia. It's a cache of Paradia's heritage that includes relics of their technology, knowledge, culture, and art so that their legacy can live on even if their planet disappears.
Base Level
Upon receiving lethal damage, has a 50% chance to grant all allies except for the caster a random buff for 2 turns (Increase Attack (Greater), Increase Defense, Increase Evasion, Immunity, or Increase Critical Hit Resistance). Can only be activated once per battle.


Max Level
Upon receiving lethal damage, has a 100% chance to grant all allies except for the caster a random buff for 2 turns (Increase Attack (Greater), Increase Defense, Increase Evasion, Immunity, or Increase Critical Hit Resistance). Can only be activated once per battle.