Old Gardening Shears
"I'm too afraid to use it anymore, it looks like it'll break at any moment. Well, what can you expect from a tacky toy a kid could barely afford with her allowance money," said Byblis, as she carefully put away her shears into a drawer.
Base Level
After using an attack that targets all enemies except for a basic skill, has a 60% chance to inflict a random debuff on the target for 1 turn, and has a 50% chance to grant stealth to the caster for 1 turn. Can only be activated once per turn. (Decrease Attack, Decrease Speed, Unhealable, or Silence)


Max Level
After using an attack that targets all enemies except for a basic skill, has a 60% chance to inflict a random debuff on the target for 1 turn, and has a 100% chance to grant stealth to the caster for 1 turn. Can only be activated once per turn. (Decrease Attack, Decrease Speed, Unhealable, or Silence)