10/26 (Thu) Update Content

November 10, 2023

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel!

(Added on 10/26) An additional sentence has been added to the Other section.

Let's take a look at what we have in store for you in this week's update.

Players will be able to view this update after the maintenance on Thursday, October 26.

1. E7WC 2023 Champion, Hall of Fame Update


â–  E7WC Hall of Fame

- The 2023 E7WC Winner introduction will be added to [World Arena > Hall of Fame > E7WC]. Players will also be able to collect a Special Item.


[Special Item: E7WC 2023 Champion’s Ring]

- Collection Period: Until 5/23/2024 (Thu) 03:00 UTC

- How to collect: - Tap the item to acquire in World Arena > Hall of Fame > E7WC.

※ Lv. 88 Equipment Enhancement Reset function will be added in November. However, Equipment with modified substats using Modification Gems will not be eligible for Equipment Enhancement Resets. Therefore, please be aware when modifying Equipment substats.

2. New 5★ Hero, Abyssal Yufine


 A Dragon who struggles with her split personality.

Players will be able to meet Abyssal Yufine in Covenant, Mystic, and Moonlight Summons.

â–  Abyssal Yufine

[Hero Introduction]


[Skill Introduction]


3. Three New 3★ Heroes

Three new 3★ Heroes from Episode 5, Erasia, will be added.

■ New 3★ Heroes

The new Heroes Claudia, Amiki, and Ezra will be available in Summon after the maintenance on 10/26 (Thu).

- The new Heroes will not be included in the "Kane and Tyrant's Descent Drop Rate Up" and will be included in Drop Rate Up summons that begin after the update on 10/26 (Thu).

New 3★ Hero Sources

Covenant Summon

Drop Rate Up Summon

Element Summon

■ 3★ Claudia


■ 3★ Amiki


■ 3★ Ezra


4. - Two New Exclusive Equipment Added


- New Exclusive Equipment for the 5★ Heroes, Ken and Arunka will be added to the Hall of Trials Exchange.

Players can obtain Exclusive Equipment from the Hall of Trials Exchange using Wisdom's Gaze.

Exclusive Equipment stats and skill effects will be applied randomly after the equipment has been purchased.

â–  Exclusive Equipment Information

[5★ Ken]


[5★ Arunka]


â–  Cost


■ The 5★ Hero Lilias and the 4★ Hero Challenger Dominiel's Exclusive Equipment will be added to the Alchemist's Steeple.

5. Destina & Shimadra Staff


In this Drop Rate Up event, meet Destina, an Earth Elemental Soul Weaver who recovers Health and increases Combat Readiness. Players can also acquire the Soul Weaver exclusive Artifact, Shimadra Staff which increases Effect Resistance and Healing.  

â–  Schedule

10/26 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ 11/2 (Thu) 02:59 UTC 

6. Expedition Boss Rotation

There will be a rotation of two Expedition Bosses on 11/1 (Wed).

â–  Expedition Boss Rotation




Pain Pursuer Moroi

Destructive Gigantes

Hopeless Symaqus

Brutal Pherus

Destructive Gigantes

Blooming Snag Lich

â–  Schedule



Korea / Asia / Japan

10/31 (Tue) 18:00 UTC


11/1 (Wed) 03:00 UTC


11/1 (Wed)10:00 UTC

7. Coin Shop Item List Renewal

The purchase limit for items in the Covenant and Galaxy Coin Shops will reset and there will be a rotation for the Heroes sold in each Shop.

The Coin Shop resets on the first of every month at 03:00 UTC. 

â–  Schedule

11/1 (Wed)03:00 UTC

â–  Reset Details

1. The purchase limit for items in the Coin Shop will reset.

2. The refresh limit for Lv. 85 Epic Equipment/Accessories will reset. 

3. Covenant Coin Shop: Three 5★ Covenant Hero Rotation (Fire, Ice, Earth)


4. Galaxy Coin Shop: Three 5★ Moonlight Hero Rotation (Light, Dark)


8. Advent Side Story - Kiss of Frost Preview


 â€» Players will be able to see the skill information of the monster that appears in the Advent Side Story, Kiss of Frost during the preview period.

9.Other Improvements and Adjustments

â–  Shop

- A new Pack will be added to [Shop > Pack]

[Artifact Booster Pack]

- Sales Schedule: 10/26 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ permanently

- Purchase Condition: Available for 6 hours after purchasing an item worth more than 180 Powder of Knowledge in the Powder of Knowledge Shop  or after purchasing or acquiring a 5★ Artifact.

  (Includes a case of multi-purchase with 180 or more Powder of Knowledge)

  ※ Selective Summons, Selection Ticket and purchase from Guild Shop does not meet the condition

- Purchase Limit: Three times per account

[6★ Promotion Support Pack]

- Sales Schedule: 10/26 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ permanently

- Purchase Condition: Available for 6 hours on the Event Pack category after promoting a starting 3★ or 4★ grade Hero to 5★ or after leveling a starting 5★ grade Hero to Lv 50 or higher

- Purchase Limit: Three times per account



[3 Days Daily Growth Pack]

- Sales Schedule: 10/26 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ permanently

- Purchase Limit: Once per account


[E7WC 2023 Celebration Lobby Pack]

- Sales Schedule: 10/26 (Thu) after the maintenance ~11/9 02:59 UTC 

- Purchase Conditions: Can be purchased with 900 Skystone

- Purchase Limit: Once per account


[Leif Pack Renewal]

- The sale period for the Leif Pack which was sold in-game will end. It will be renewed with improved Pack items. 

- Sales Schedule: 10/31 (Tue) 18:00 UTC ~ permanently

- Purchase Limit: Five times per account

- Bonus Rewards: Each bonus reward will be sent to your mailbox after purchasing Leif Pack 1 and 2 for the first time each month.


â–  Heroes and Artifacts

- Recommended Content tags for November will be added to certain Heroes.

- The AI ​​of certain Heroes who use skills on themselves or a target will be improved.

ã„´ Target: Zahhak, Shoting Star Achates, Blaze Dingo, and Talia

An issue where an additional skill that is activated while the Hero is inflicted with a debuff that prevents movement is triggered after the debuff is dispelled due to an effect triggered when attacked, will be fixed.

- An issue where the Hero did not die when a healing effect, other than recovering Health proportional to damage received, was applied even when the Hero received lethal damage from Indomitable Spirit by Senya or damage reflected to the attacker, will be fixed.

The skill description of the 4★ Hero Surin's skill, Implosion, will be improved as follows:

ã„´ Implosion (Current)
Triggers all the bleeding effects currently inflicted on the enemy. Damage dealt increases proportional to the number of bleeding effects inflicted on the enemy, and debuff duration is extended by 1 turn. Additionally, the caster's Combat Readiness increases by 15% per every bleeding effect inflicted on the enemy. Effect can only be applied up to 5 times.

ã„´ Implosion (Changed)
    Attacks the inner core of the enemy with a chain ax. Damage dealt increases proportional to the number of bleeding effects inflicted on the enemy, and debuff duration is extended by 1 turn. The caster's Combat Readiness increases by 15% per every bleeding effect inflicted on the enemy, by up to 75%.

- An issue with the hit effect in the skill animation of certain Heroes will be fixed.

â–  Adventure and Story

Improvements will be made to display an effect on the Adventure button icon in the Lobby.

ã„´ The effect will be unlocked upon clearing Episode 2, stage 5-1. Northern Outskirts of Perland.

- An issue where the speakers for Kane and Abigail were incorrectly displayed in the Side Story, "Awoken Vampire Lord," will be fixed.

â–  Battle

- Adjustments will be made to change the Battle Speed ​​to normal in certain situations.

  ã„´ When Story is played while in battle.

  ã„´ When Camping while in battle.

- An issue where an error occurred in certain situations during Background Battling will be fixed.

- An issue where a decreased Attack debuff was inflicted on allies when the 5★ Hero, Summertime Iseria used her skill, Suppress!, while equipped with Dimensional Fragment of Thorns in Rift Control Room in Rift, will be fixed. 

â–  Arena and World Arena

- The number of cases where the player is not matched with the same opponent consecutively in World Arena Emperor League or higher will be increased.

- Adjustments will be made to display the emoji's background when the player uses the Navy Captain Landy emoji in World Arena.

â– Other

- A new function that allows players to view Equipment Score and filter the Equipment according to level will be added in Sanctuary > Steel Workshop > Equipment Reset.

- A filter condition will be added to the Weekly Guild Mission to easily check the progress or completed missions for your convenience.

- Improvements will be made to automatically register the maximum amount of ingredients, even if the player does not set the amount when checking the "Register Max Ingredients" checkbox on the top when registering ingredients to craft Charms in the Alchemist's Steeple.

  ã„´The same mechanism applies when registering ingredients for crafting Crafting Materials, Catalysts, and Modification Gems.

- An issue where certain Hero's portraits were displayed reversely in Story Summon will be fixed.

- Improvements will be made to display the places to obtain Exclusive Equipment for Seaside Bellona and Tempest Surin in the Journal.

- Improvements will be made to no longer make the top bar disappear in certain situations when trying the Rift Battle again by tapping the "Try Again" button.

- The recall of calculated and distributed Conquest points and Glory Crests due to the issue where Glory Crests for Arena Insight Season were distributed to certain players on 10/12 (Thu) will commence.

  ã„´ Details: The calculated and distributed Glory Crests will be distributed to the mailbox for those who experienced the issue, and the acquired Conquest Points will be recalled.
   ã„´ Schedule: after the update on 10/26 (Thu). 
   ã„´ Mailbox storage period: 30 days

-  An issue where some of the Artifacts that certain Heirs on the Korea Server already acquired were deactivated in the Artifact Journal after the update on 10/12 (Thu) will be fixed.

ã„´ Target Artifacts: Prayer of Solitude, Broken Will of the Priest, Our Beautiful Seasons, Hostess of the Banquet, and Elegiac Candle.