Magnetic Phone Charger and Stand

2/29 (Thu) Update Content

February 28, 2024

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Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel!

Let’s take a look at what we have in store for you in this week’s update.

Players will be able to view this update after the maintenance on Thursday, February 29.


1. Arena Oath Season Ending

The Arena Oath Season that began on 12/11 (Mon) will end and the pre-season will begin.


■ Arena Season Schedule

- The following is the schedule for the end of the Oath Season and the start of the Contention Season.

Season Info


Oath Season Ending


3/3 (Sun) 13:00 UTC


3/3 (Sun) 22:00 UTC


3/4 (Mon) 05:00 UTC

Arena Pre-Season


3/3 (Sun) 18:00 UTC ~ TBD


3/4 (Mon) 03:00 UTC ~ TBD


3/4 (Mon) 10:00 UTC ~ TBD

Arena Contention Season Schedule


 The schedule for the ending of the Arena pre-season and opening of the Contention Season will be announced through a later notice.

 Detailed information about the Frame rewards for the Arena Oath Season will be announced in a later notice.

 For more information regarding the end of the Arena Oath Season, please see this link,  [Arena Oath Season Closing Information]


2. Epic Pass, A Victor's Prestige Season
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Epic Pass! A Victor's Prestige Season begins.

Meet Senya's new Epic Skin, E7WC 2023 Senya, made to celebrate the E7WC 2023!

We hope that many of our Heirs will participate in this Epic Pass.
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2/29 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ 3/28 (Thu) 02:59 UTC



Players can access the Epic Pass by going to the main lobby and tapping on the “Epic Pass” icon.


 How to Use

- You can increase your Season Rank by consuming the currencies specified.

- As you increase your Season Rank, you can earn a variety of rewards.

   Free Reward: Basic rewards that can be acquired according to players’ Season Rank.

   Premium Reward: Rewards that can be acquired when the Pass is upgraded to Premium Epic Pass.

   Special Reward: Rewards that can be acquired when the Pass is upgraded to Special Epic Pass.


[ Season Rank & Season EXP]

1. Currency Value

- Players can receive season EXP by consuming the currencies listed below in different game modes.

- Consumable currencies that provide Season EXP in “A Victor's Prestige Season” are as follows:

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2. Purchase Season Rank

- Players can use 100 Skystone to increase their Season Rank by 1.


 Epic Pass Upgrade

-  Players can upgrade to the Premium Epic Pass or the Special Epic Pass by using Skystone.
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 After purchasing the Premium Epic pass, players can upgrade to the Special Epic Pass for 900 Skystone.  
 The Epic Pass Upgrade can also be purchased during the reward collection period. However, it is not possible to acquire season EXP.



Free Reward

Premium Reward


Leif  x2

MolaGora  x1


Ancient Coin  x100 

Greater Weapon Charm  x1


Greater Necklace Charm  x1


Silver Transmit Stone  x2

100,000  Gold


Skin Ticket  x5 


Experienced Penguin Chest  x1

Greater Armor Charm x1


Greater Necklace Charm  x1


Stigma x300

Rare Catalyst Selection Chest  x1


Greater Armor Charm x1


Greater Necklace Charm  x1

Greater Ring Charm  x1


Greater Weapon Charm x1


50,000  Gold

Epic Penguin  x1


Greater Helm Charm  x1


Ancient Coin  x100 

Greater Boot Charm  x1


Greater Ring Charm  x1


Silver Transmit Stone  x2

100,000  Gold


Epic Penguin  x1


Leif  x2

Greater Necklace Charm  x1


Greater Boot Charm  x1


Lesser Artifact Charm x2

Silver Transmit Stone  x1


Gold Transmit Stone  x3


50,000  Gold

Epic Penguin  x1


Rare Catalyst Selection Chest  x1


Ancient Coin  x100 

Greater Ring Charm  x1


100,000  Gold


Silver Transmit Stone  x2

Silver Transmit Stone  x1


Epic Catalyst Selection Chest  x1


Leif  x2

Greater Helm Charm  x1


Silver Transmit Stone  x1


50,000  Gold

Epic Artifact Charm  x1

Skin Ticket  x5 

All Clear Reward

Covenant Bookmark x10

Epic Pass Frame x1

Gold Transmit Stone x3

Special Reward

Senya Skin - E7WC 2023 Senya


[Heroic Skin - E7WC 2023 Senya]

- The illustration and cut scenes will change when this skin is equipped on the 5 Hero, Senya.

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3. Special
Mystic Summon
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A special Mystic Summon event will be held, where players can select and summon their desired Hero from the 4
 and 5 Moonlight Heroes released more than six months ago.

Special Mystic Summon Event Details
1) Schedule
- 2/29 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ 3/21 (Thu) 02:59 UTC (for a duration of 3 weeks).

2) How to proceed
- You can target and summon any 4 and 5 Moonlight Heroes that were released more than 6 months ago, based on the Mystic Summon end date (3/21).
- 5 Moonlight Heroes, including Urban Shadow Choux, and 4 Moonlight Heroes, including Infinite Horizon Achates, will be eligible for summoning.
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 New Moonlight Heroes will not be released during this period. However, the existing guaranteed summon count for the ongoing Mystic Summon will be carried over.

4. Special Side Story, Romantic Getaway - Week 2
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Ran and Amid have been spending their days together ever since Natalon found peace.

One day, after hearing that they could be rewarded with a token that represented eternal love, they make their way to the Black Bunny Office.

Soon enough, the two hit the road on a journey of a lifetime.....


■ Schedule

2/29 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ 3/7 (Thu) 02:59 UTC

■ How to Enter

Clear 10-10. Shrieking Hall in Episode 1


■ Special Side Story, Romantic Getaway Information

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[Chapter Opening Schedule]


Chapter Name


Week 1

Excited Steps

2/22 (Thu) 03:00 ~ 3/7 (Thu) 02:59 UTC

Dancing Heart

Week 2

Finding Hope

2/29 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ 3/7 (Thu) 02:59 UTC


[Enhanced Heroes]




Lead Hero Buff

Lv. 60 / Awakened to 6 / +15 Enhanced Skills

Attack, Health – 30% Increase

Amid, Ran


Attack, Health – 30% Increase

Lucy, Ains, Dingo, Cidd, Choux, Alencia

■ Week 2 Information

[Event Currency]




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[Snowflake Promise]

A flower that blooms in the tundra.

Its transparent, glass-like petals have bloomed beautifully.

Finding Hope

 The event currency that can be obtained from each chapter is different.

 Story Stages do not provide event currency.

[Enhanced Artifacts]
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■ Stage Progress

The second-week story of the Special Side Story, Romantic Getaway will take place in Dragon Valley.

[ Story Stages ]

- Story Stages do not require Energy to enter and do not have any battles.

- Story Stages do not provide Event currency.

[ Stage Difficulty ]

- Players can select various difficulties on stage [6. Ancient Dragon Cliff].

- Players may select a higher difficulty after successfully clearing the one before it.

- As the difficulty progresses, the amount of Energy needed to play and the amount of event currency earned will increase.

- Hell difficulty can be played up to 3 times during the side story period.
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■ Exchange

- Players can exchange the event currency, Snowflake Promise, for items in the Exchange.

- Players will be able to exchange event currency for items up to one week after the Side Story ends. Unused event currency after that period will then be deleted.

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5. 4. Advent Side Story Enraged Blazing Emissary Preview
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 Players will be able to see the skill information of monsters that appear in the Advent Side Story, Enraged Blazing Emissary during the preview period.

6. Rift Season 1. Zeaon of Zero-Defects City Closing

The current Rift Season 1. Zeaon of Zero-Defects, will end on 4/3 (Wed) at 19:00 UTC.

While we had initially planned for Season 2 to be available immediately after the conclusion of Season 1,
we kindly ask for your understanding as we take some time to implement improvements aimed at delivering an even better experience.

 We will provide additional details through a separate notice regarding the start of Season 2 as soon as the schedule is finalized. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

7. Senya & Spear of a New Dawn Drop Rate Up
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In this Drop Rate Up, meet the Earth Elemental Knight Senya, who can inflict more damage to her enemies based on her Attack thus inflicting constant damage and debuffs. Players can also obtain the Knight exclusive Artifact, Spear of a New Dawn, which inflicts additional damage proportional to the caster's Attack.

■ Schedule 
2/29 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ 3/7 (Thu) 02:59 UTC 

8. Coin Shop Item List Renewal
The purchase limit for items in the Covenant and Galaxy Coin Shops will reset and there will be a rotation of the Heroes sold in each shop.

The Coin Shop resets on the first of every month at 03:00 UTC. 


■ Schedule

3/1 (Fri) 03:00 UTC


■ Reset Details

1. The purchase limit for items in the Coin Shop will reset.

2. The refresh limit for Lv. 85 Epic Equipment/Accessories will reset. 

3. Covenant Coin Shop:  Three 5 Covenant Hero Rotation (Fire, Ice, Earth)

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4. Galaxy Coin Shop:  Three 5 Moonlight Hero Rotation (Light, Dark)
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9. Other Improvements and Adjustments 

■ Music Player

- A new OST will be added to the Music Player.



How to unlock

Official OST 

Our Miracle

Available after the 2/29 (Thu) Update


■ Heroes and Artifacts

- A Recommended Content tag for March will be added to certain Heroes.

- The shortcut to jump directly to the first quest in Chapter 2 of Adin's missions will be adjusted. (2-4. Resting Woods > 2-2. Twisted Forest)

■ Other
- You can select the Milestone in Time icon on the top bar, or make an immediate purchase if you run out of Milestone in Time while using it.
- Adjustments will be made to the functionality of the "Skip" button during summons.
An exclusive Statistics (Boss Guide) will be added for Rift.
- A new feature will be added to assist in easier target selection during Auto Battling.
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- An issue preventing players who haven't completed the tutorial from accessing the world map, along with the error message displayed when progressing through the Specialty Change quest, will be fixed.
- An issue where locked tracks were not displayed on the playlist after reconnecting during playback of an album will be fixed.
- An issue where the background of certain currency icon was not displayed will be fixed.
- An issue where the emphasizing effect in the Rift tutorial was incorrectly displayed will be fixed.

■ Pack
[ Lucky Week Dash Pack ]

- Sale Period : 2/28 (Wed) 15:00 ~ 3/6 (Wed) 14:59 UTC

   * The Pack will be available on the 5th-week update.

- Purchase Conditions:  Available at Rank 4 or higher.

- Purchase Limit: Once within the sale period
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 * When purchasing the Lucky Week Dash Pack, the Summon Currency Bundle Chest will be delivered to your mailbox.

Summon Currency Bundle Chest (Bonus Reward)



Mystic Medals


3-5 Element Summon Selection Chest (Light/Dark)


Covenant Bookmark



 Lucky Week Dash Pack Details

  - The 10 summons from the Lucky Week Dash Pack will not include any Moonlight, Limited, Collaboration, or Free Heroes. 

 - New 5 Covenant Heroes who had their Drop Rate Up Banner end prior to the sales of the Lucky Week Dash Pack will be included.

Thank you.

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