Magnetic Phone Charger and Stand

Free Unequip Event

December 27, 2023

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Hello, Heirs!

This is GM Dominiel. 


Thank you for all the love and support you have shown Epic Seven.

We have prepared our monthly Free Unequip event that we hold on the fourth week of each month!


It's the perfect opportunity to enjoy your weekends by trying out new equipment on your Heroes, without any cost!


Please see below for more details.


■ Free Unequip Event Details

1. Schedule: 12/27 (Wed) 15:00 ~ 12/31 (Sun) 14:59 UTC

2) Details: During the event period, players can unequip Equipment/Artifacts at no cost. 



※ Please Note

- The Free Unequip Event schedule is the same on all servers.



Thank you.

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