Flame of Soul
A fraction of the Spirit who was held by dark magic and couldn't leave for the underworld. You can listen to the faint sound of crying.
Flame of Soul can be purchased at the following chapters:
- Episode 1 - 4-2. Solayu Forest - AP Exchange Price: 120 AP (limit 5 per week)
- Episode 1 - 9-2. Central Taranor - AP Exchange Price: 120 AP (limit 5 per week)
- Episode 2 - 2. Crimson City Meldrec - AP Exchange Price: 120 AP (limit 10 per week)
- Episode 2 - 5-1. North Fortress City Perland - AP Exchange Price: 120 AP (limit 10 per week)
- Episode 3 - 5. Wintenberg of the Past - AP Exchange Price: 120 AP (limit 10 per week)
- Unrecorded History - AP Exchange Price: 120 AP (limit 20 per week)
Flame of Soul can be farmed at the following stages:
- 10. East Taranor - Stage 10-10. Shrieking Hall
- 10. East Taranor - Stage 10-5. Bronze Mirror Wall
- 10. East Taranor - Stage 10-4. Crimson Outpost
- 10. East Taranor - Stage 10-S1. Moonlight Flower Hill
- 9-2. Central Taranor - Stage 9-9. Spur Plain
- 9-2. Central Taranor - Stage 9-8. Tomb of the False Soldier
- 9-2. Central Taranor - Stage 9-7. Researcher's Defense
- 9-2. Central Taranor - Stage 9-6. Fallen Shelter
- 9-2. Central Taranor - Stage 9-S6. Blue Hawk Forest
- 9-2. Central Taranor - Stage 9-S5. Traitor's Nest
- 9-1. West Taranor - Stage 9-3. Awakened Hill
- 9-1. West Taranor - Stage 9-S3. Scar Pit
- 9-1. West Taranor - Stage 9-S2. Nightmare Remnant
- 7. North Wetheric Moor - Stage 7-9. Tagehel Ruins
- 7. North Wetheric Moor - Stage 7-8. Echoes of Betrayal
- 7. North Wetheric Moor - Stage 7-3. Chain of Moonlight
- 7. North Wetheric Moor - Stage 7-2. Field of Remembrance
- 4-2. Solayu Forest - Stage 4-S11. Black Blood Shadow
- 10. Distorted Dimension - Stage 10-10. Twisted Core
- 10. Distorted Dimension - Stage 10-9. Garden of Tenacious Hearts
- 10. Distorted Dimension - Stage 10-7. Pure Heart Dimension
- 10. Distorted Dimension - Stage 10-6. Shadow of a Harsh Past
- 10. Distorted Dimension - Stage 10-5. Free Heart Dimension
- 10. Distorted Dimension - Stage 10-3. Hardened Heart Dimension
- 10. Distorted Dimension - Stage 10-1. Divergence Point
- 10. Distorted Dimension - Stage 10-S6. Age of the Gambler
- 10. Distorted Dimension - Stage 10-S5. Zealot's Hell
- 10. Distorted Dimension - Stage 10-S4. Road 777
- 10. Distorted Dimension - Stage 10-S2. Chamber of the Creation
- 9. Comet Temple - Stage 9-4. Plaza of the Great Prophet
- 9. Comet Temple - Stage 9-3. Altar of Dancing Stars
- 9. Comet Temple - Stage 9-2. West Pilgrims Road
- 9. Comet Temple - Stage 9-1. Stranger's Passage
- 8. Shandra Ruins - Stage 8-9. Altar of Forgotten Emperors
- 8. Shandra Ruins - Stage 8-S5. Path of the Crumbling Star
- 8. Shandra Ruins - Stage 8-S3. Temple Underground Passage
- 7. City of Starlight Constella - Stage 7-9. Dawn Star Temple
- 7. City of Starlight Constella - Stage 7-6. Heavy Sky Hall
- 7. City of Starlight Constella - Stage 7-4. Street of the Silent Guardian Star
- 7. City of Starlight Constella - Stage 7-3. Pale Star Temple
- 7. City of Starlight Constella - Stage 7-2. Daybreak Avenue
- 6. Aakhen Exile Colony - Stage 6-10. Trail of Lamentation
- 6. Aakhen Exile Colony - Stage 6-5. Village of Abandoned Sinners
- 6. Aakhen Exile Colony - Stage 6-3. West of Paradise
- 5-1. North Fortress City Perland - Stage 5-1. Northern Outskirts of Perland
- 5-1. North Fortress City Perland - Stage 5-S2. Purlieu Village
- 5-1. North Fortress City Perland - Stage 5-S1. Outer Village
- 4. City of Sorcerers Witchaven - Stage 4-5. Tree of Old Memories
- 4. City of Sorcerers Witchaven - Stage 4-4. Path of Plenty
- 4. City of Sorcerers Witchaven - Stage 4-2. Trail of Forgotten Hearts
- 4. City of Sorcerers Witchaven - Stage 4-1. Whisper Wood
- 4. City of Sorcerers Witchaven - Stage 4-S3. Gentle Forest
- 3. Mining City Aakhen - Stage 3-S2. Gunpowder Alley
- 2. Crimson City Meldrec - Stage 2-10. Malicus's Refuge
- 2. Crimson City Meldrec - Stage 2-9. Fire Sanctum
- 2. Crimson City Meldrec - Stage 2-7. Sunshine Gardens
- 2. Crimson City Meldrec - Stage 2-2. Flame Heart District
- 2. Crimson City Meldrec - Stage 2-1. West Fire Tongue Tunnel
- 2. Crimson City Meldrec - Stage 2-S6. Flare Shade Area
- 2. Crimson City Meldrec - Stage 2-S5. Unprotected Northern Area
- 2. Crimson City Meldrec - Stage 2-S4. Unprotected Western Area
- 1. Jerdun Borderlands - Stage 1-9. Fire Tongue Tunnel Entrance
- 1. Jerdun Borderlands - Stage 1-6. Kwarez Ruins
- 1. Jerdun Borderlands - Stage 1-4. Raguel Moor
- 1. Jerdun Borderlands - Stage 1-2. Mahuana Hill
- 1. Jerdun Borderlands - Stage 1-S3. Black Spirit Mount
- 1. Jerdun Borderlands - Stage 1-S2. Pathfinder Hill
- 1. Jerdun Borderlands - Stage 1-S1. Wild Wind Plains
- 2S. Scorned Lands - Stage 2S-9. Stroll Village
- 2S. Scorned Lands - Stage 2S-8. Assembly Forest
- 2S. Scorned Lands - Stage 2S-7. Garden of the Unworthy
- 2S. Scorned Lands - Stage 2S-6. Dust Moor
- 2S. Scorned Lands - Stage 2S-5. Fallen Petal Plain
- 2S. Scorned Lands - Stage 2S-4. Wet Rake Forest
- 1S. Pupuran Ruins - Stage 1S-2. Pilgrim's Path
- 1S. Pupuran Ruins - Stage 1S-13. Hidden Refuge
- 1S. Pupuran Ruins - Stage 1S-1. Pupuran Temple Entrance
- 8. Lone Tundra - Stage 8-8. Ice Rose Garden
- 8. Lone Tundra - Stage 8-6. Princess's Parlor
- 8. Lone Tundra - Stage 8-4. Buried Hope Yard
- 8. Lone Tundra - Stage 8-S6. Ice Castle Back Gate
- 8. Lone Tundra - Stage 8-S3. Ice Castle Entrance
- 7. North Lefundos - Stage 7-2. Ominous Maze
- 6. Epitaph Wilderness of the Past - Stage 6-10. Tomb of Innocence
- 6. Epitaph Wilderness of the Past - Stage 6-6. Void Plain
- 6. Epitaph Wilderness of the Past - Stage 6-5. Pilgrim's Stopover
- 6. Epitaph Wilderness of the Past - Stage 6-4. Starlight's Home
- 6. Epitaph Wilderness of the Past - Stage 6-S4. Chilly Hill
- 6. Epitaph Wilderness of the Past - Stage 6-S3. Desolate Lands
- 5. Wintenberg of the Past - Stage 5-5. Deserted Outskirts
- 5. Wintenberg of the Past - Stage 5-4. Trail Near the Village
- 5. Wintenberg of the Past - Stage 5-3. Barren Forest
- 5. Wintenberg of the Past - Stage 5-2. Dream Tree Hill
- 5. Wintenberg of the Past - Stage 5-1. Memories of Home
- 8S. Dragon Valley of the Past - Stage 8S-3. Temperate Village
- 3. West Prairie - Stage 3-10. Autumn Breeze Plain
- 2. Shadow Mountain - Stage 2-4. Resting Woods
- 4. Eastern Sangerat - Stage 4-8. Bloodrose Villa
- 4. Eastern Sangerat - Stage 4-7. Path of the Burdened
- 4. Eastern Sangerat - Stage 4-5. Ruins of Blackened Tears
- 4. Eastern Sangerat - Stage 4-3. Abandoned Estate Outskirts
- 3. Western Equilibria - Stage 3-8. Wolves' Route
- Unrecorded History - Stage 33. Revenbol
- Unrecorded History - Stage 31. Crimson Outpost
- Unrecorded History - Stage 28. Fallen Shelter
- Unrecorded History - Stage 27. Declaration Field
- Unrecorded History - Stage 22. Tagehel Ruins
Flame of Soul is used as upgrade material for:
Architect Laika
Light Mage -
Fire Ranger -
Judge Kise
Light Warrior -
Fire Mage -
Fire Ranger -
Maid Chloe
Light Soul Weaver -
Earth Warrior -
Earth Ranger -
Ice Thief -
Earth Soul Weaver -
Ice Warrior -
Fire Warrior -
Free Spirit Tieria
Light Warrior -
Kitty Clarissa
Dark Warrior -
Earth Soul Weaver -
Earth Ranger -
Fire Ranger -
Light Warrior -
Earth Thief -
Ice Ranger -
Earth Soul Weaver