Mysterious Flash
At a glimpse it looks like a fragment containing the power of a spirit, but upon closer inspection you can feel an unknown power.
Mysterious Flash can be purchased at the following chapters:
- Episode 1 - 5S. Sun Desert - AP Exchange Price: 120 AP (limit 5 per week)
- Episode 1 - 2. Reingar - AP Exchange Price: 120 AP (limit 5 per week)
- Episode 2 - 7. City of Starlight Constella - AP Exchange Price: 120 AP (limit 10 per week)
- Episode 2 - 10. Distorted Dimension - AP Exchange Price: 120 AP (limit 10 per week)
- Episode 2 - 1S. Pupuran Ruins - AP Exchange Price: 120 AP (limit 10 per week)
- Episode 3 - 1. South Lefundos - AP Exchange Price: 120 AP (limit 10 per week)
- Unrecorded History - AP Exchange Price: 120 AP (limit 20 per week)
Mysterious Flash can be farmed at the following stages:
- 9-2. Central Taranor - Stage 9-6. Fallen Shelter
- 6. South Wetheric Moor - Stage 6-7. The Keep of Oaths
- 6. South Wetheric Moor - Stage 6-6. Iron Training Ground
- 6. South Wetheric Moor - Stage 6-5. Iron Fortress
- 6. South Wetheric Moor - Stage 6-2. Frost Flower Hill
- 6. South Wetheric Moor - Stage 6-S6. Silent Valley
- 6. South Wetheric Moor - Stage 6-S5. Pumpkin Vine Fortress
- 5. Dun Blyraia - Stage 5-S3. Verdant Moon Garden
- 5. Dun Blyraia - Stage 5-S2. Garden of Oblivion
- 4-2. Solayu Forest - Stage 4-S12. Ravine of Madness
- 4-2. Solayu Forest - Stage 4-S11. Black Blood Shadow
- 2. Reingar - Stage 2-1. Suspicious Entrance
- 2. Reingar - Stage 2-S3. White Summit
- 2. Reingar - Stage 2-S2. Greenstone Valley
- 2. Reingar - Stage 2-S1. Forest of Song
- 5S. Sun Desert - Stage 8. White Dragon Temple
- 5S. Sun Desert - Stage 7. Anunka Ruins
- 5S. Sun Desert - Stage 6. Tarimun Desert
- 10. Distorted Dimension - Stage 10-9. Garden of Tenacious Hearts
- 10. Distorted Dimension - Stage 10-3. Hardened Heart Dimension
- 10. Distorted Dimension - Stage 10-2. Fragment of Solitary Contemplation
- 9. Comet Temple - Stage 9-9. Dusk Garden
- 9. Comet Temple - Stage 9-6. Temple Main Gallery
- 9. Comet Temple - Stage 9-5. Abandoned Small Star Temple
- 9. Comet Temple - Stage 9-4. Plaza of the Great Prophet
- 9. Comet Temple - Stage 9-S6. Shattered Stardust Road
- 9. Comet Temple - Stage 9-S5. Concealed Fracture Temple
- 9. Comet Temple - Stage 9-S4. Old Prayer Road
- 8. Shandra Ruins - Stage 8-10. Hidden Inner Sanctum
- 8. Shandra Ruins - Stage 8-8. Path of Sacrifice
- 8. Shandra Ruins - Stage 8-7. Shandra Plaza
- 8. Shandra Ruins - Stage 8-6. Dark Star Passage
- 8. Shandra Ruins - Stage 8-5. Shadow Crypt
- 8. Shandra Ruins - Stage 8-3. Confession Temple
- 8. Shandra Ruins - Stage 8-S2. Embrace Temple
- 7. City of Starlight Constella - Stage 7-10. Sanctuary of Lost Souls
- 7. City of Starlight Constella - Stage 7-8. Twilight Avenue
- 7. City of Starlight Constella - Stage 7-7. Sleeping Bull Street
- 7. City of Starlight Constella - Stage 7-6. Heavy Sky Hall
- 7. City of Starlight Constella - Stage 7-S6. Star Vestige Temple
- 7. City of Starlight Constella - Stage 7-S3. Stump Forest
- 6. Aakhen Exile Colony - Stage 6-3. West of Paradise
- 5-2. South Fortress City Perland - Stage 5-10. Sparkling Feather District
- 5-2. South Fortress City Perland - Stage 5-8. Magic Research Agency
- 4. City of Sorcerers Witchaven - Stage 4-10. Emerald Garden
- 4. City of Sorcerers Witchaven - Stage 4-8. House of the Amazing Rango
- 4. City of Sorcerers Witchaven - Stage 4-7. Zantana's Laboratory
- 4. City of Sorcerers Witchaven - Stage 4-5. Tree of Old Memories
- 4. City of Sorcerers Witchaven - Stage 4-3. Daydream Gardens
- 4. City of Sorcerers Witchaven - Stage 4-S5. Birds-Eye Gorge
- 4. City of Sorcerers Witchaven - Stage 4-S3. Gentle Forest
- 4. City of Sorcerers Witchaven - Stage 4-S1. Green Wave Wharf
- 3. Mining City Aakhen - Stage 3-10. Southeastern Outskirts of Aakhen
- 2. Crimson City Meldrec - Stage 2-6. Hall of Great Chiefs
- 2. Crimson City Meldrec - Stage 2-4. Emberstorm District
- 2. Crimson City Meldrec - Stage 2-S4. Unprotected Western Area
- 2. Crimson City Meldrec - Stage 2-S3. Tomb of Oaths
- 2. Crimson City Meldrec - Stage 2-S2. Path of Decision
- 7S. Star Chaser Heights - Stage 7S-9. Pride Heart
- 7S. Star Chaser Heights - Stage 7S-8. Pride Temple
- 7S. Star Chaser Heights - Stage 7S-7c. Purple Stamp Guardian Village
- 7S. Star Chaser Heights - Stage 7S-6. Great Leaps Ruins
- 7S. Star Chaser Heights - Stage 7S-5. Haze Swamp
- 7S. Star Chaser Heights - Stage 7S-4. Starved Wood
- 6S. Dark Iron Range - Stage 6S-6. Restraint Cave
- 6S. Dark Iron Range - Stage 6S-2. Seed Sprout Forest
- 2S. Scorned Lands - Stage 2S-8. Assembly Forest
- 2S. Scorned Lands - Stage 2S-5. Fallen Petal Plain
- 1S. Pupuran Ruins - Stage 1S-8. Pupuran Sanctum
- 1S. Pupuran Ruins - Stage 1S-7. Path of True Faith
- 1S. Pupuran Ruins - Stage 1S-5. Fount of Life
- 9. North Wintenberg - Stage 9-9. Thin Ice Alley
- 9. North Wintenberg - Stage 9-7. Requiem Hill
- 8. Lone Tundra - Stage 8-6. Princess's Parlor
- 8. Lone Tundra - Stage 8-5. Shiny Path
- 8. Lone Tundra - Stage 8-4. Buried Hope Yard
- 8. Lone Tundra - Stage 8-S6. Ice Castle Back Gate
- 8. Lone Tundra - Stage 8-S5. Crystal Lake Trail
- 8. Lone Tundra - Stage 8-S3. Ice Castle Entrance
- 7. North Lefundos - Stage 7-10. Dead End
- 7. North Lefundos - Stage 7-9. A Hell of One's Own
- 7. North Lefundos - Stage 7-8. Hall of Delusions
- 7. North Lefundos - Stage 7-7. Fallen Bird's Tomb
- 7. North Lefundos - Stage 7-6. Secluded Nightmare's Room
- 7. North Lefundos - Stage 7-5. Dim Basement
- 7. North Lefundos - Stage 7-4. Moldy Hallway
- 7. North Lefundos - Stage 7-S5. Dark Underground Storage
- 7. North Lefundos - Stage 7-S3. Uncrossable Boundary
- 6. Epitaph Wilderness of the Past - Stage 6-S6. Village of Greed
- 4. Dragon Valley - Stage 4-6. Secret Path
- 4. Dragon Valley - Stage 4-1. A Break in the War
- 4. Dragon Valley - Stage 4-S6. Shadowy Field
- 3. South Wintenberg - Stage 3-10. Apocalypse Field
- 3. South Wintenberg - Stage 3-9. Tombs of Soldiers
- 1. South Lefundos - Stage 1-10. Lone Corridor
- 1. South Lefundos - Stage 1-8. Shadow Byroad
- 1. South Lefundos - Stage 1-5. Baum Market
- 1. South Lefundos - Stage 1-3. Dark Alley
- 1. South Lefundos - Stage 1-2. Triumph Lane
- 8S. Dragon Valley of the Past - Stage 8S-6. Cold Passage
- 7S. Lefundos of the Past - Stage 7S-10. Shadow Crossroad
- 7S. Lefundos of the Past - Stage 7S-9. Faith Trail
- 7S. Lefundos of the Past - Stage 7S-3. Stray Light Main Street
- 10. North Theranhad - Stage 10-10. Heaven's Eye
- 10. North Theranhad - Stage 10-9. Sunken Passage
- 10. North Theranhad - Stage 10-8. Noble Entrance
- 10. North Theranhad - Stage 10-7c. Serene Purity Temple
- 10. North Theranhad - Stage 10-7b. Holy Flame Temple
- 10. North Theranhad - Stage 10-7a. Verdant Temple
- 10. North Theranhad - Stage 10-5. Jealous Square
- 10. North Theranhad - Stage 10-S3. Cloaked Passage
- 9. Wicked Land - Stage 9-9. Sealed Ground
- 9. Wicked Land - Stage 9-8. Graphite Passage
- 9. Wicked Land - Stage 9-6. Ponderous Juncture
- 9. Wicked Land - Stage 9-5. Vengeance Crossroad
- 9. Wicked Land - Stage 9-4. Thorn Vine Path
- 9. Wicked Land - Stage 9-3. Quiet Intersection
- 9. Wicked Land - Stage 9-S5. Disordered Alley
- 9. Wicked Land - Stage 9-S3. Cool Cave
- 9. Wicked Land - Stage 9-S1. Sodden Mountain Path
- 8. East Prairie - Stage 8-4. Standoff Wilds
- 7. Forsaken Lands - Stage 7-9. Hidden Refuge
- 7. Forsaken Lands - Stage 7-8. Mission Garden
- 7. Forsaken Lands - Stage 7-7. Field of Submission
- 7. Forsaken Lands - Stage 7-6. Plain of Resentment
- 7. Forsaken Lands - Stage 7-5. Plain of Loathing
- 7. Forsaken Lands - Stage 7-2. Peeking Woods
- 7. Forsaken Lands - Stage 7-1. Neglected Swamp
- 7. Forsaken Lands - Stage 7-S6. Starving Swamp
- 7. Forsaken Lands - Stage 7-S5. Lonely Road
- 7. Forsaken Lands - Stage 7-S4. Misty Forest
- 6. West Khan - Stage 6-9. Shaky Inner Mind
- 5. Recluse's Forest - Stage 5-10. Secluded Path of Resignation
- 5. Recluse's Forest - Stage 5-9. Spring Shrine
- 5. Recluse's Forest - Stage 5-8. Poison Herb Colony
- 5. Recluse's Forest - Stage 5-6. Pitch Dark Road
- 5. Recluse's Forest - Stage 5-5. Secret Village
- 5. Recluse's Forest - Stage 5-4. Pitch Dark Land
- 5. Recluse's Forest - Stage 5-2. Labyrinthine Forest
- 5. Recluse's Forest - Stage 5-S6. Sheltering Woods
- 5. Recluse's Forest - Stage 5-S4. Wild Wind Way
- 5. Recluse's Forest - Stage 5-S2. Ominous Hill
- 4. East Khan - Stage 4-9. Hall of Fury
- 4. East Khan - Stage 4-8. Hidden Prayer Room
- 2. Shadow Mountain - Stage 2-10. Top Head Border
- 2. Shadow Mountain - Stage 2-9. Broken Crossroad
- 2. Shadow Mountain - Stage 2-4. Resting Woods
- 2. Shadow Mountain - Stage 2-3. Stump Street
- 2. Shadow Mountain - Stage 2-S5. Tailored Forest
- 5S. Safe Haven Origin - Stage 5S-4b. Hesitation Path
- 2. Eastern Equilibria - Stage 2-8. Dusty Dirt Road
- 1. Southern Skuggiheim - Stage 1-7. Exit of Resolution
- 1. Southern Skuggiheim - Stage 1-5. Southern Encampment Prison
- Unrecorded History - Stage 4. Grey Cliff Forest
- Unrecorded History - Stage 20. Illusion Crossing
- Unrecorded History - Stage 19. Iron Fortress
Mysterious Flash is used as upgrade material for:
Astromancer Elena
Light Ranger -
Holiday Yufine
Fire Warrior -
Fire Warrior -
Earth Warrior -
Little Queen Charlotte
Light Warrior -
Ice Warrior -
Midnight Gala Lilias
Earth Thief -
Operator Sigret
Dark Ranger -
Earth Warrior -
Crimson Armin
Light Knight -
Fighter Maya
Light Knight -
Ice Knight -
Adventurer Ras
Fire Knight -
Earth Warrior -
Ice Soul Weaver -
Light Knight -
Captain Rikoris
Light Warrior -
Earth Ranger -
Light Warrior -
Ice Warrior -
Fire Warrior -
Fire Ranger -
Fire Knight -
Light Warrior -
Taranor Guard
Ice Warrior -
Unbound Knight Arowell
Light Knight -
Vigilante Leader Glenn
Earth Ranger